Whats the Best Funny Piece of Marriage Advice Youve Heard

Amber and Daniel Real Wedding52
Amber and Daniel's wedding at Crossed Keys Estate. Photo by Steve Gerrard.

We're always in search of the best planning advice, wedding advice and relationship advice. So when I stumbled upon this blog this week from Dave Willis, I knew that this was great marriage advice. Dave Willis is one of the most popular relationship bloggers, the founder of strongermarriages.org with his wife Ashley, and a pastor in Augusta, Georgia. He's acquired these tips during his 15-year marriage, and I love that they're simple, practical, straight-forward and ring true! Here, give them a read and discuss with your fiancĂ© as you're getting closer and closer to your wedding. These tips can only strengthen your marriage…

The Best Marriage Advice

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-quote-focus-on-the-family-a-strong-marriage-requires-two-people-who-choose-to-love-each-other-even-on-days-when-they-struggle-to-like-each-other

1. Choose to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other. Love is a commitment, not just a feeling.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quotes-always-answer-your-phone-when-your-spouse-is-calling-and-stay-off-phone-when-youre-with-your-husband-or-wife-davewillis.org_

2. Always answer the phone when your husband/wife is calling and when possible, try to keep your phone off when you're together with your spouse.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-happiest-marriages-have-two-spouses-who-both-put-the-others-need-ahead-of-their-own

3. Make time together a priority. Budget for a consistent date night. Time is the "currency of relationships" so consistently invest time into your marriage. There are no shortcuts. Building a strong marriage takes time.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-quote-davewillis.org-surround-yourself-with-people-who-strengthen-your-character-and-remove-yourself-from-people-who-compromise-your-character

4. Your friends will impact your marriage, so choose your friends wisely. Surround yourself with friends who will strengthen your marriage and remove yourself from people who may tempt you to compromise your character.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-davewillis.org-your-marriage-is-more-important-than-whatever-is-stressing-you-out-so-dont-take-your-stress-out-on-each-other

5. Make laughter the soundtrack of your marriage. Share moments of joy, and even in the hard times, find reasons to laugh.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-both-win-quote-DaveWillis.org_-300x300

6. In every argument, remember that there won't be a "winner" and a "loser." You are partners in everything so you'll either win together or lose together. Work together to find a solution.

New Jersey Bride—Ashley-Willis-marriage-quote

7. Remember that a strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It's usually a husband and wife taking turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-sex-quote-davewillis.org-it-takes-more-than-sex-to-build-a-great-marriage-but-it-is-nearly-impossible-to-build-a-great-marriage-without-it

8. Prioritize what happens in the bedroom. It takes more than sex to build a strong marriage, but it's nearly impossible to build a strong marriage without it!

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-quote-quotes-marriages-love-marriage-is-not-50-50-divorce-is-marriage-is-100-100-not-dividing-everything-in-half-but-giving-everything-you-got-davewillis.org_ 9. Remember that marriage isn't 50-50, divorce is 50-50. Marriage has to be 100-100. It's not splitting everything in half, but both partners giving everything they've got!


10. Give your best to each other, not your leftovers after you've given your best to everyone else.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-quotes-your-words-to-your-spouse-matter-but-the-tone-in-which-you-speak-those-words-matters-just-as-much

11. Speak lovingly and respectfully to each other. Your words matter, but the tone of those words matters too. The tone of your words can set the tone for your entire marriage.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-your-children-are-learning-about-marriage-by-watching-you-so-treat-your-spouse-teh-way-you-want-your-childrens-future-spouses-to-treat-them-someday

12. Don't put your marriage on hold while you're raising your kids or else you'll end up with an empty nest and an empty marriage.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-never-keep-secrets-from-your-spouse-secrecy-is-the-enemy-of-intimacy

13. Never keep secrets from each other. Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-quote-a-painful-truth-is-alwasy-better-than-a-hidden-lie

14. Never lie to each other. Lies break trust and trust is the foundation of a strong marriage.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-apology-quote-davewillis.org-a-real-apology-requires-5

15. When you've made a mistake, admit it and humbly seek forgiveness. You should be quick to say, "I was wrong. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-forgiveness-quote-holding-a-grudge-doesnt-make-you-strong-it-makes-you-bitter-forgiving-doesnt-make-you-weak-it-sets-you-free

16. When your husband/wife breaks your trust, give them your forgiveness instantly which will promote healing and create the opportunity for trust to be rebuilt. You should be quick to say, "I love you. I forgive you. Let's move forward."

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-real-love-is-when-you-are-completely-committed-to-someone-even-when-they-are-being-completely-unlovable

17. Be patient with each other. Your spouse is always more important that your schedule.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-davewillis.org-quotes-dont-just-be-physically-monogamous-be-mentally-monogamous-too-true-intimacy-begins-in-the-heart-and-the-mind-not-the-bedroom

18. Stay away from porn or anything that creates sexual fantasy apart from your spouse. Don't just be physically monogamous; be mentally monogamous.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-quote-inspirational-encouraging-encouragement-be-an-encourager-the-world-has-plenty-of-critics-already

19. Be your spouse's biggest encourager, not his/her biggest critic. Be the one who wipes away their tears, not the one who causes them.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-davewillis.org-being-frustrated-with-your-spouse-isnt-a-reason-to-divorce-any-more-than-being-frustrated-with-children-is-a-reason-to-put-your-kids-up-for-adoption

20. Never talk badly about your spouse to other people or vent about them online. Protect your spouse at all times and in all places.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-davewillis.org-quotes-wear-your-wedding-ring-rings

21. Always wear your wedding ring. It will remind you that you're always connected to your spouse and it will remind the rest of the world that you're off limits!

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-the-strongest-marriages-are-built-on-a-foundation-of-shared-faith-the-more-you-love-God-the-more-capacity-you-will-have-to-love-each-other-quotes

22. Make your faith a priority.Pray with each other and for each other. Every marriage is stronger with God in the middle of it.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quotes-instead-of-nagging-about-your-spouse-try-bragging-about-your-spouse-build-up-your-husband-or-wife-dont-tear-them-down-davewillis.org_

24. Instead of nagging about your spouse, try bragging about your spouse! Focus on what they're doing right instead of always pointing out what they're doing wrong.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quotes-problems-in-marriage-are-neve-solved-by-blaming-each-other-but-by-working-together-to-find-solutions-davewillis.org_

25. When you're facing struggles, don't blame each other. Instead, work together with mutual respect to find solutions.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-davewillis.org-never-stop-flirting-with-your-spouse-and-never-start-flirting-with-anyone-else

26. Never stop flirting with your spouse and never start flirting with anyone else!

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-nonverbal-communication-dont-expect-yoru-spouse-husban-wife-to-be-a-mindreader-communicate-clearly

27. Don't expect your spouse to read your mind. Clearly communicate your thought and feelings. Take time to talk to each other AND listen to each other.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-quote-davewillis.org-marriage-husband-wife-function-two-wings-on-same-bird-work-together

28. Work together as partners. Never let your spouse face a struggle without your encouragement, partnership and support.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-davewillis.org-love-your-spouse-more-than-money-career-hobbies-other-stuff-cant-love-you-back

29. Don't put your marriage "on hold" for the sake of your career, hobbies or any other pursuit. Don't sacrifice your marriage in the pursuit of lesser things.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-quote-davewillis.org-marriage-consider-your-spouse-in-every-decision-you-make-will-impact-them

30. Consider your husband/wife in EVERY decision you make, because all of your decision will impact them in some way.

New Jersey Bride—Dave-Willis-marriage-quote-lifelong-isnt-the-result-of-feelings-luck-or-compatibility-its-the-result-of-commitment-davewillis.org_

31. Never consider divorce as an option. Remember that a "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other!

For more great relationship tips and advice go to davewillis.org.

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New Jersey Bride The Best Marriage Advice We've Ever Read


Source: https://www.newjerseybride.com/wedding-ideas/the-best-marriage-advice-weve-ever-read/

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